Friday 6 September 2013

In Custody by Anita Desai - A review

From the very first line one floats through the mind of Deven , the seemingly timid and introverted hero in the story . As the tale advances , one begins to discover the plight of Deven , alone in friendship , as he tries to find a place for himself in the society .  Deven , a teacher of Hindi in a college in a small town called Mirpore is called on by his supposed old pal , Murad to interview the poet of his dreams , perhaps India’s greatest living Urdu poet , Nur . The narrative shifts subtly between sarcasm , satire , comedy and tragedy . It flames sympathy , ridicule and deep thought as it carries the reader forward through Deven’s attempt to free himself of his dreary life in Mirpore and his quest for recognition as a keeper of Urdu . One clearly feels the excitement , anxiety and anguish in Deven’s heart every time he is subjected to various ordeals in an attempt to accomplish the tasks given him by Murad , a complete opposite in character to himself . The novel bases itself on the decline in culture , a change in the mindset of people towards modernity , how Urdu is then losing its significance and the passive war between Hindi and Urdu . At the same time it ponders upon the complexity of human relationships . Amidst all this stand pusillanimous Deven , ruffian Murad , beaten Nur and all the rest of their acquaintances .

A witty play of words , vivid descriptions and thought provoking issues put together , this novel is an indisputable masterpiece meant for both the quiet and disconcerted reader . With many a lesson to teach it places itself among the must reads . 

It was written and shortlisted for the Booker prize in 1984 . 

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