Wednesday 2 November 2011

R.I.P. recalled

8th October was the last day of my Puja vacation in Shillong. The next day I would be taking the flight back to boredom. So I decided to do something that  I would remember long after I fell back into the monotony of daily life. 

I had to fool my brother,pester my sister, bicker with aunt, etc. etc.........but finally we were off to "the graveyard". I had never  been to a graveyard before. I used to imagine it to be a spooky place where skeletons would grab you by the neck from behind and feast on your soul . But , it was totally the other side the coin. The moment I stepped in I felt so relaxed and at peace that I just couldn't believe such a feeling existed.

We were examining the inscriptions and wondering what kind of  lives they could have led. There were quite a few messages that got me pondering even about the families of the departed. 

There was a freshly dug grave which had the date 29.09.2011. The first reaction to the lettering was my brother's. He said, " Hey, this guy died the day BEFORE my last exam!" Immediately after I exclaimed, "Oh, thank God he died the day AFTER my exam!" By then my sister had gone crazy and she added her bit in.("This guy died ON the day of my last exam!!") End result: we named him 'Exam Guy'. 

A few paces ahead the earth sloped down steeply and prompted me to enquire where the cemetery ended. She replied, "Oh just here.This is dead end." 

But I haven't touched upon the funniest  part of the story as yet. We spent an hour there and made our way back to our dwelling. When my aunt asked how our trip had been, I promptly replied, "Oh, the graveyard was so sweet!" And that, everybody, is why I am a typical GIRL.


  1. the exam guy bit was very funny :) although that time we all made the observation in such a grave note :)

  2. very true. i forgot to mention the part when i saw smoke hanging in the air with the bright orange sunrays shining from behind it. it was a beautiful sight to behold.
