Thursday 29 December 2011

Stuff and Then Throw Up!!

I should've been at my study table now, with a thousand page math textbook, trying my hardest to concentrate on the bleak problems that crowd each of the five or six pages that I must be done with by the end of the evening. But, seriously, its too monotonous to not drift into a dream after I've scribbled the solutions to every few sums. I've somehow managed to respectfully complete a chapter that bored me for three days on end. Now, since I was positive that I wouldn't be able to keep myself awake with math anymore, I laid out my other options. Well, there was chemistry, which definitely has to be mugged up because if I venture to understand anything it will surely be impossible to answer most questions in the exam( these questions would require only the statement of  facts). Or I could try English, which again demanded the rote learning of the answers copied down in our notebooks. Economics permits so little brain activity that it would require neither mugging up nor any understanding. That leaves me with physics. Physics, now, happens to be the most interesting subject to me. At least I get to read books that give me a clear picture of the concepts and most importantly a chance to think in my own way. It feels good to be able to think out a really puzzling problem all by myself.

I feel grateful to my mother for having persuaded me to try and study on my own as far as I could. Had I entangled myself with tuition routines, I would have been in the dark about so many things that I find myself fortunate to have been able to comprehend and lock up in my vault of knowledge because the only doubt tuition teachers or most school teachers seem to be capable of clarifying is "Would you please repeat what you explained?" You utter anything else and your doomed to listen to them rave on about how stupid students like you are the root causes of their grey hair,etc.etc....

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam believed in dreaming big and I think everybody must give it a try.

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